Terceras Jornadas de Medio Oriente, 9-10 de noviembre de 2000
Estados Unidos y el Medio Oriente después de la Guerra del Golfo.
Departamento de Medio Oriente
Instituto de Relaciones Internacionales
Universidad Nacional de La Plata, República Argentina
Debate acerca de la legitimidad y las instituciones en el Irán post-revolucionario
The work intends to show a theoretical analysis in three periods of the contemporany history of Iran: from 1963- 1979, 1979- 1989, and from 1989-2000, in which different configurations of the state and different institutional forms are conformed, and to analize the relation between both concepts in respect to the legitimacy. The legitimacy bases itself on two different perspetives. One of these is framed in a modern dynamic with a logic and rationality that tends to the secularization of the society and places itself in a tangible sphere, and another perspective of legitimacy situated in a intangible sphere, that is not secular , but is religious. The legitimacy of the transcendence. The legitimacy that is provided by God.
The main point of this work intends to show that from the accension of Mohamed Jatami to the Executive Power, there exists a tendency in focusing on the legitimacy of the relations of power and authority of the Irani Institutional System , as a tangible sphere, in opposition to the islamic legitimacy.
In the first configuration of the State from 1963 to 1979, the intentions of modernization "from above" was implemented in a mark in the autocracy of Sha, legitimized one of the determinants by way of growth and change.
In the second configuration of the State, wiht Khomeinist Revolution, the values of Islam and the Shiism characteristics legitimized the different internal politics and the rol of Khomeini´s authority in his decisions. The institutional machinism permitted this stronghold of power. The legitimacy focused itself in the mark of the transcendence, the intangible.
With the accension of M. Jatami to the Executive Power in Iran in 1997, there is a tendency of change that comes from the women and the youth of the society. This institutionals way allows Jatamis and the Reformed Sector three victories, that open the way to speculate about the true sphere that the society gives to the political mark and to the legitimacy of their acts.