Terceras Jornadas de Medio Oriente, 9-10 de noviembre de 2000
Estados Unidos y el Medio Oriente después de la Guerra del Golfo.
Departamento de Medio Oriente
Instituto de Relaciones Internacionales
Universidad Nacional de La Plata, República Argentina
Prof. Juan Anibal Edgardo González
After the collapse of the true socialism, the United States became the Gendarmes of the World, and one of its political arguments is the defense of the Democracy in the World. In this context, in the Middle East the Islamic Movements are its main enemy, but, at the same time, it is allied to the pseudo-democratic Arabic States or with the "Suiting Democracies", such as Arabia Saudi.
Having stated this apparent paradox, in this work I intend to search for the reasons why the United States accept the Muslim States where the Koran rules and at the same time turn the Islamic Movements into their great enemy. Therefore, I suggest the following propositions:
Show how in those States where there are no people-elected governments, "Democracies" loaded with occidental values are encouraged, having in mind an acculturation and maintenance of the State-Nation; this conception of State is non-existent in the Arabic-Islamic World.
Explain how Islam looks for a place in this INO (International New Order), generating policies matching the international framework in which it is immersed, one example is the case of Algeria, where the IFS (Islamic Front of Salvation) on 12th June, 1990, won with the majority of the votes. The events brought fear and intolerance and everything becomes terrorism and fundamentalism.
Prove how the end justifies its means (for the USA), means which only have a reason, destroy or have an enemy to show the world how powerful they are and in this way become the Gendarmes of the World. This is only a mask, the actual reason is "petroleum", which is Middle East’s main natural resource. I have always maintained (1) this reason, because it does not matter to them (Occident) if one generation of Iraqis is illiterate because their schools had been destroyed by tactic bombing during the Golf War, they only want "petroleum".
State that the new enemy is Islam, that in a few years its power from the religious point of view has doubled and if we want to predict the future, this would not benefit the Occident at all. And finally, with the pretext that Islam is not Democratic, the Occident makes use and abuses of its power in those countries that are dominated and impoverished in every aspect.
1- González, Juan A.E.: "Israel in the Palestine Region", paper presented in the Middle East Conference II. U.N.L.P Year 1998.