Terceras Jornadas de Medio Oriente, 9-10 de noviembre de 2000
Estados Unidos y el Medio Oriente después de la Guerra del Golfo.
Departamento de Medio Oriente
Instituto de Relaciones Internacionales
Universidad Nacional de La Plata, República Argentina
Curriculum Vitae
1696 Cram Circle Apt. 11
Ann Arbor, MI 48105
(734) 936-3724
University of Michigan Law School, Ann Arbor, MI
Juris Doctor candidate, Expected May 2002
• Associate Editor, Michigan Journal of International Law
• Michigan International Law Society
• Asian-American Pacific Law Student Association
University of Wyoming, Laramie, WY
Bachelor of Science, summa cum laude, Political Science, May 1998
• President Harry S. Truman Scholar
• Rhodes Scholarship Finalist
• Outstanding Graduate, College of Arts & Sciences, University of Wyoming
• Outstanding Contributor to Student Affairs, University of Wyoming
• Phi Beta Kappa, Phi Kappa Phi, Pi Sigma Alpha
• Senator & Presidential Assistant, Associated Students of the University of Wyoming (1995-8)
University of London, London, England
Visiting Student, Spring 1997
Secretary of Defense Legal Honors Program, Washington, DC
Legal Clerk (Summer 2000)
Served under the Deputy General Counsel advising on various legal matters including discovery issues, appellate review, administrative legal concerns, and various military legal questions.
United States Commission on Civil Rights Wyoming Advisory Committee
Member (1998-Current)
Serving an appointment studying various civil rights issues before the State of Wyoming
University of Wyoming, Laramie, WY
Education Policy Analyst, Office of the President (Summer 1999)
Instructor, UDOC Medical School Preparatory Program (Summer 1999)
Program Coordinator, University Summer Institute Program (Summer 1998 & 1999)
United States House of Representatives, Washington, DC
Staff Assistant, Office of Congresswoman Barbara Cubin-WY (Spring 1999)
Assisted in day-to-day operations of a Member of Congress including correspondence and foreign policy and DOJ-related research and recommendations on matters before the 106th Congress
Harvard Global Peace Project, Boston & Cambridge, MA
Board of Directors (4/97-8/98)
Vice Chairman of a youth-generated international peace conference under the aegis of Harvard University.
United Kingdom House of Commons, London, England
Intern, Office of David Alton, MP Liverpool (Spring 1997)
Assisted in day-to-day operations including correspondence with constituents
United States Senate, Washington, DC
Intern, Office of Senator Alan Simpson, WY (Summer 1996)
Washakie County Attorney’s Office, Worland, WY
Intern, Office of the Prosecuting Attorney (Summer 1994)
Nothing is Written: The Impact of International Law on the Reformist/Revivalist Debate of the Shari’ah (Islamic Law), Universidad Nacional de La Plata, Buenos Aires, Argentina (November 2000)