Terceras Jornadas de Medio Oriente, 9-10 de noviembre de 2000
Estados Unidos y el Medio Oriente después de la Guerra del Golfo.
Departamento de Medio Oriente
Instituto de Relaciones Internacionales
Universidad Nacional de La Plata, República Argentina
FROM 1940 TO 1950
Prof. Alicia Radisic
The main point of the work is to try to know better the diplomatic and commercial relations betzXween Iran and Argentina , since the beginning in 1947 to 1953 ,looking for the relation that could have existed between commercial changes and the fowards and backfowards in the diplomatic relations between both of them , using documents and statitics from that time .
On May 26īth of 1947 Argentina and Iran diplomaticīs relations were better those countries had good negotiations in the decade of 30īs Iran tried to have a good deal and to guarantee the links with our country choosing a diplomatic representative , but Argentina didnīt have any interest in it , so Irán took it back.
In spite of the cautions diplomatic politic followed by our country the commercial in the period of 1944 1945 was in favour of Argentina that situation changed in 1946 , when the war ended and our balance of trade situation was worse , it happened during 1946 and 1947 .
There was another important commercial change between Iran and Argentina the first purchases of fuel and lubricants appeared and the price in m$n was very cheap if we compared with the prices of the property importation coming from EEUU. , Venezuela , and Holland Possessions in Central America .
In 1950 the commercial relations were in the best moment , although Argentina had a deficit in our balance exportations ,the change will be in the importation purchases
Things like fuel and lubricants increase more than before .
In those years 1951 and 1952 Iranīs situation was worsen with Great Britain ,because of the nationalitation of the petrol government industry, this industry was handle by Irania Oil Cia Britanic .
It was the worst moment in Iran , the politic situation was awful the nationalitics politics were fighting all the time , and at the same time another countries like Italy , Brasil , and Argentina were seeing the possibility of buying fuel in cheap prices , those products were essentials to develop their industries .
On the other hand our historic alineation with the United Kingdom made even more difficult that the government will take a risk because of the fuelīs purchases to a country that has broken dangerously with the new international order from that period of time .
If we see the documents and statitics from that time , we can see that the diplomatic relations between those countries were in contradiction with the economic situation in the 30s and at the beginning of the 40s Argentina had a favourable balance of trade
so that Iran didnīt take interest in diplomatic relations , instead of , Iran had a representative in our country .
On the other hand the beginning of the diplomatic relations , and the opening of Iranīs Legation stated at the moment in which our balance of trade was deficitary .
In the 50s there were negotiations for buying fuel , but it didnīt end although both of the countries ,would liked do it .