Por Gladys Lechini
Argentina y África (2004-2005): Nada nuevo bajo el sol
Por Gladys Lechini
Marruecos, un puente hacia el mundo árabe y africano: Visiones desde Argentina y el Mercosur
Por Juan José Vagni
La democracia en el Norte de África: Nuevos interrogantes a una vieja cuestión
Por Magdalena Carrancio
Angola: recuperando el tiempo perdido
Por María José Becerra
El fin de la ilusión etíope: una historia recurrente
Por Diego Buffa
El G8 y la condonación de la deuda africana en la reunión de Gleneagles
Por Carla Morasso
AFRICAN UNION: Declaration of the Second High-Level InterGovernamental Meeting on the Prevention and Combating of Terrorism in Africa.
AFRICAN UNION: Assembly of the African Union. Decisions
AFRICAN UNION: Assembly of Heads of State and Government, Third Ordinary Session. Declarations
AFRICAN UNION: Assembly of Heads of State and Government, Third Extraordinary Session. Declaration on Emplyment and Poverty alleviation in Africa
AFRICAN UNION: Assembly of Heads of State and Government, Third Extraordinary Session. Follw-up mechanism for implementation, monitoring and evaluation
AFRICAN UNION: Assembly of Heads of State and Government, Third Extraordinary Session. Plan of Action for Promotion of Employement and Poverty Alleviation
AFRICAN UNION: Report of the Second Ordinary Session of the African Union Conference of Ministers of Trade, Customs and Immigration
AFRICAN UNION: Strategic Plan of the African Union Commission. Volume 1: Vision and Mission of the African Union
AFRICAN UNION: Strategic Plan of the African Union Commission. Volume 2: 2004 – 2007 Strategic Framework of the Commission of the African Union
AFRICAN UNION: Strategic Plan of the African Union Commission. Volume 3: Programmes to Speed Up Integration of the Continent
AFRICAN UNION: Strategic Plan of the African Union Commission. Volume 4: Africa, our common destiny. Guideline Document
AFRICAN UNION: Decisions of the Forth Ordinary Session of Executive Council
AFRICAN UNION: Summary of Conclusion of the 4th Extraordinary Session of the Executive Council on the Common Defence and Security Policy
AFRICAN UNION: 5th Ordinary Session of Executive Council. The Civil Society Declaration
AFRICAN UNION: 5th Ordinary Session of Executive Council. Decisions
AFRICAN UNION: 5th Ordinary Session of Executive Council. Declaration of the African Union Private Sector Forum
AFRICAN UNION: 6th Ordinary Session of Executive Council. Decision on the Reprioritized Priority Programme, the Solidarity Budget and the 2005 Programme-Budget
AFRICAN UNION: 6th Ordinary Session of Executive Council. Declaration of the African Union Executive Council on the United Nations Secretary-General
AFRICAN UNION: Decision on the Launching and the Establishment of the Pan African Parliament
AFRICAN UNION: Pan African Parliament Second Ordinary Session. Resolutions and Recommendations
AFRICAN UNION: Solemn Launching of the Peace and Security Council. Reprt of the Chairperson of the Commission on the Establishment of a Continental Peace and Security Architecture and the Status of Peace Processes in Africa
AFRICAN UNION: Rules of the Procedure of the Security Council of the African Union
AFRICAN UNION: First meeting of Intellectuals of Africa and the diaspora organized by the African Union. General Theme: "Africa in the 21st Century: integration and Renaissance"
AFRICAN UNION: Protocol to the African Union Convention on the Prevention and Combating of Terrorism
NEPAD: Communiqué issued at the end of the 9th Summit of the Heads of State and Government Implementation Committee of the New Partnership for Africa`s Development
NEPAD: Communiqué issued at the end of the 10th Summit of the Heads of State and Government Implementation Committee of the New Partnership for Africa`s Development
NEPAD: Communiqué issued at the end of the 12th Summit of the Heads of State and Government Implementation Committee of the New Partnership for Africa`s Development
NEPAD: Communiqué of the First NEPAD Multi-Stakeholder Dialogue
NEPAD: Summary Report of the First NEPAD Multi-Stakeholder Dialogue
NEPAD: Communiqué issued at the end of the First Summit of the Committee of Participating Heads of State and Government in the Africa Peer Review Mechanism
NEPAD: 5th Meeting of the African Peer Review Mechanism Panel of Eminent Persons
EAC: Joint Communique for the East African Heads of State Summit
EAC: 5th Summit of Heads of State of the East African Community
EAC: 6th Summit of Heads of State of the East African Community
CEMAC: 5ème Session Ordinaire de la Conférence des Chefs d'Etats. Communiqué Final
CEMAC: Rapport d’activites pour la periode du 1er Janvier au 31 Decembre 2004
COMESA: Final Communique of the 9th Summit of the COMESA Authority of Heads of State and Government
COMESA: Report and Decisions: 17th Meeting of the COMESA Council of Ministers
CEEAC: Communiqué final de la 11ème session de la CEEAC
IGAD: Declaración de Jartum sobre la lucha contra el terrorismo y la delincuencia organizada transnacional
IGAD: Joint Communique issued by the IGAD Council of Ministers Meeting held on the Sidelines of the United Nations Security Council Meeting on Sudan and Somalia
IGAD: Joint Communique issued by the IGAD Special Summit on Somalia
SADC: Final Communique of the Summit of Heads of State and Government of the Southern African Development Community
COI: Commission de l'Océan Indien. Rapport Annuel 2003
ONU: Memorando sobre la cuestión del Sáhara Occidental dirigido a los Estados Miembros de las Naciones Unidas por el Frente Popular para la Liberación de Saguia el-Hamra y de Río de Oro
Final Communique of the African Quintet Summit on Darfour
lntemational Conference on Peace, Security, Dernocracy and
Developrnent in the Great Lakes Region. First Summit of Heads of State and Govemment. Dar-Es-Salaam Declaration
ONU: Consejo Económico y Social. Informe económico sobre África 2004: Desarrollo del potencial de África en la economía mundial
ONU: Economic Commission for Africa. Annual Report 2004
ONU: Nueva Alianza para el Desarrollo de África: Segundo informe consolidado sobre los progresos en su aplicación y el apoyo internacional. Informe del Secretario General
ONU: Informe sobre las actividades del Grupo de Trabajo Especial del Consejo de Seguridad sobre la prevención y la solución de conflictos en África en el período 2003-2004
ONU: 4th African Development Forum. Consensus Statement
ONU: Asistencia a los refugiados, los repatriados y las personas desplazadas en África. Informe del Secretario General
ONU: Situación de los derechos humanos en el Sudán. Nota de la Secretaría
G8: Statement on Sudan
Africa-EE.UU: ‘‘AGOA Acceleration Act of 2004’’
África-EU: EU-Africa Ministerial meeting. Communiqué
Africa-EU: Africa-Europe Dialogue 3rd Meeting of the Troikas. Communique
Africa-EU: Africa-Europe enlarged Expert Meeting. Debate on Peace and Security in Africa
Africa-United Kingdom: 1st Meeting of the Commission for Africa
Africa-United Kingdom: 2nd Meeting of the Commission for Africa
UNCTAD: El Desarrolo Económico en África: cuestiones relacionadas con la sostenibilidad de la deuda exterior africana
Cronología 2004